The Colour Analysis Craze Is Causing Confusion

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Having your colour palette identified remains one of the most leveraged steps to updating one’s visual identity, personal brand and style. When you know which colours support you best, you’ve got a key to more power, connection, calm and confidence. Social media has created a refreshed appetite for colour analysis that had it’s debut buzz back in the 80’s.

How does it work? The most flattering colours for our undertones and complexions help us to communicate our personalities, our energy and specific messages via colour psychology. This is just the start of the discussion.

I was recently featured in this article written by journalist Dorian Smith-Garcia for the 21Ninety publication.

She’s provided a great piece about the colour analysis process including something very important and rarely discussed. People with deeper skin tones are often mis-analyzed. She asked me about that and more. Check it out here on the 21Ninety site:


If you’d like to learn more about the colour analysis process, click here to visit this page featuring a special package offer as well as more info on how it’s done and how it can can help in business and personal life.